A two-manual Forster and Andrews organ from a Scottish parish is enjoying a new lease of life in a Roman Catholic church in Yorkshire. It replaced a poor-quality electronic instrument.
We were invited to remove the instrument from the redundant Borthwick Church in Midlothian and install it in the church of S Anthony of Padua in Beeston, Leeds. The organ, unaltered since it was built in 1893, is a fine example of the Hull organ builder's craft.
A church representative said: "The organ was superbly installed in the West Gallery of S Anthony of Padua Catholic Church by David Wood of Huddersfield. The organ fits extremely very well with the church’s neo-Gothic style, its pipes being beautifully painted and gilded in the manner of that period.:
Open Diapason 8, Dulciana 8, Stopped Diapason 8, Principal 4, Harmonic Flute 4, Corno di Bassetto 8.
Open Diapason 8, Salicional 8, Voix Celestes 8, Gemshorn 4, Piccolo 2, Cornopean 8, Oboe 8.
Bourdon 16.